Thursday, December 26, 2019
Romeo and Juliet FOIL Characters Essay - 1569 Words
A foil character contrasts the personalities of another character, which particularly enlightens certain characteristics of the individual. This element portrays these characteristics in an obvious manner, as it benefits the reader or audience. By showing the characteristics of one, it directly heightens the character traits of the other, creating a foil illustration of an individual. Nowhere is this element of literature more prudent than in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, as he effectively engages the use of foil characters. In the play, two lovers from opposing, and hateful families fall in love, but the hatred between households lead to their downfall. Characters in the immoral city of Verona are set to represent key themes and†¦show more content†¦They have made worms meat of me,†(3.1, 68-69). This quote exemplifies that although Mercutio is neither a Montague nor a Capulet he still dies in a battle fought between the families. This incident height ens Romeo’s fatal flaw, as his reckless act of heroism turned out to be a burden as it caused the death of Mercutio. Moreover, Mercutio’s plague towards the families also foreshadows further tragedy, as Romeo then gets banished from the Verona, along with additional events which later on result to his death. Last, even after his death, Mercutio acts as a foil character to Romeo by causing a shift in Romeo’s gentle character. For example, after Tybalt slays Mercutio, Romeo avenges his friend by killing Tybalt. This act shows his alteration in character, as he was never seen as a ferocious character in any previous scenes. This is evident in the play when Romeo says, â€Å"Away to Heaven, respective lenity, and fire-eyed fury be my conduct now,†(3.1, 125-126). This quote exemplifies Romeo’s new perception, as he claims he is finished with sympathy and gentleness. This change in Romeo’s personality is significant because not only is he going t o attack Tybalt, but also he is going to kill him, which then entitles him a murderer. This is significant because it further leads to his banishment, which in all leads to his death. The transition in the persona of Romeo is highlighted by the character Mercutio, which leads to theShow MoreRelatedRomeo and Juliet Foil Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesFoil characters are defined as characters that are used to contrast another character. This character in most cases is the protagonist. Moreover, foil characters tend to be based on the protagonist’s hubris, wherein contrasting the fatal flaw shows how it has ballooned out of control. Foil characters further themes by highlighting the characteristics of certain characters that will help enhance the theme. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
“in What Ways Did the Ideas and Values Held by the...
In the 1630s and the 1640s, the Puritans traveled to the colonies to detach from their opinion of a convoluted Church of England. They set up towns and started new lives that were all based on their idea of a pure religion. The Puritans definition of a pure religion did not include many of the ideas of the Church of England. They built the colonies and made a system based upon the idea that God was the most important aspect of life. Puritan ideas and values influenced the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660’s by spreading their beliefs into every facet of daily life. Politically their ideas regarding what was considered sinful behavior and how power was separated among the†¦show more content†¦In New England, the Puritans had a strong belief in frugality, believing money spent on entertainment or anything unprofitable was wasted. This directly affected the economy because of the large population of Purita ns in New England; they were constantly working and rarely rested. Their work ethic influenced other groups in the area because they had to keep up with the business that the Puritans were doing. In Document I, Robert Keayne writes â€Å"†¦many spare hours to spend unprofitably away or to refreshe myself with recreations†¦but have rather stuyded and endeavored to redeeme my time as a thing most deare and precious to me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This excerpt shows how a Puritan would do business. The Puritans made very humble livings in the early days of America. They typically made livings by being farmers and ministers. Others were merchants and sold goods. The merchants were the wealthier of the puritan people. Many of the women in Puritan society helped to make a living in society by creating clothing and food to sell to other villagers. The Puritans also believed that New England was not a place of trade but of religion, as mentioned in Document J, â€Å"†¦never to be forgotten that New England is originally a plantation of religion not a plantation of trade.†This affected the economy because many of the Puritans lived as God would have wanted them to, thus changing the benefit of working for money to the betterment of the whole community. Many of the Puritans living in NewShow MoreRelatedApush Dbqs Essay2248 Words  | 9 PagesNixon’s administration responded to them. (Form B) 1. Explain the ways that participation in political campaigns and elections in the United States changed between 1815 and 1840, and analyze forces and events that led to these changes. 2010 DBQ: (Form A) 1. In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s? (Form B) 1. The issue of territorial expansion sparked considerableRead MoreInstitution as the Fundamental Cause of Long Tern Growth39832 Words  | 160 Pages NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 May 2004 Prepared for the Handbook of Economic Growth edited by Philippe Aghion and Steve Durlauf. We thank the editors for their patience and Leopoldo Fergusson, Pablo Querubà n and Barry Weingast for their helpful suggestions. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Bureau of Economic Research.  ©2004 by Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson
Monday, December 9, 2019
Professional Development Management Strategy
Question: Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning. Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged. Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organisation. Evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organisational objectives. Identify own development needs and the activities required to meet them. Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs. Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs. Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan. Undertake and document development activities as planned. Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan. Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation. Select solutions to work-based problems. Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels. Evaluate and use effective time management strategies.? Answer: An individual can take up different approaches to filling their desire of self-managed learning. Three types of approaches for self-managed learning are: The internet as a learning source: With technological advancement, gathering knowledge on any information from the internet source has become a very common way of learning. Information is available at the click of a button (Bayram, 2007). The internet has a pool of journals, e-books, websites and newspaper. Learning never ends with the use of the internet. Mentoring as a method of learning: The whole process of mentoring involves the learner and mentor. In this process, the mentor acts as a guide rather than a teacher and the learner gains knowledge of different professional aspects of life (Di az-Maggioli, 2004). Learning through Research: Research helps in self-learning. Research by a student enables him to learn about the topic assigned by the teacher (Holmes, 2002). The benefits of individual self-managed learning are Gaining self-awareness. A Strong relationship can be built. Strong sense of understanding. Meeting the challenges boldly. Dealing with ambiguous situations. Knowing the learning method. The benefits of Organisational self-managed learning: Work performance is improved. Motivation among the employer and employees. A better understanding of business. New ideas can be introduced. The manager also learns which in turn helps in gaining the role of a better manager. The industry where I want to build my career in is the Analytics domain. The skills that I possess are not sufficient for me to flourish in this sector. Currently the skills that I have are basic computer skills like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint , Excel, research skills, quality presentation skills and note- taking skills (Johnston-Parsons, 2000). Researchers predict that there would be a huge requirement of data analyst in future. To enter the analytics industry, an adequate knowledge of mathematics and statistics is required. Analytical tools like SAS and R will help me get the necessary knowledge in the industry. Knowledge related to some programming language like Python, SQL coding and Hadoop will help me enhance my skills. There is also the requirement of non-technical skills like communication, business acumen, etc (Le, Donnellan and Conger, 2013). While formulating the goals, a proper routine is a must. The first step is to decide what things that are needed to achieve the goals. Goals are to be categorised according to its importance. A realistic schedule must be planned to achieve the goal. Time management strategy like creating a to do list to perform the actions before the start of each week help saves time (OBrien and Jones, 2014). Sufficient amount of time is to be spent on reading books that will help gather knowledge on analytics industry (Rhoton and Shane, 2001). The skills that I possess may hold both strength and weaknesses. The strength in me is research skills, basic computer skills, communication skills, etc. The weaknesses that I have are the lack of knowledge related to programming language and lack of industry experience. The opportunity that I would get is to learn more statistical packages. The threat in the industry that I might face is the failure to predict the project results. To carry out the development activities, a proper log must be created so that the learning process is successful. The goals that are to be made should be considered according to our career domain and should not be made considering the interests of the others. The target to enter the industry of analytics should be properly defined so that it is conveniently achieved. This can be the toughest part when structuring the log (Semadeni, 2009). The plans must be chosen so that it makes us happy and also benefit the loved ones. Some questions must be asked to our self so that we get a proper direction of life. The plan of action must be divided into three tiers. In the first tier, the things that are important are kept. The second tier should contain the things that come naturally and in the third tier we have the goal that does not matter. Technical skills like R and SAS can be learnt from any private institute or a diploma course can be learnt from a college. These skills provide some essence of the type of career we wish to take up in future. A solid knowledge on statistics is required. Statistics coaching classes in the weekend will help gain knowledge in statistics. I have started to learn basic statistics by reading books and journals and also working on some critical problems (Shiner, 2009). I have enrolled in an institute to gain knowledge in programming languages. Feed backs from the teachers help me to motivate towards the subject. They have evaluated my work and really appreciated. A proper time management strategy will help me to achieve success in my development plan. Every task must be scheduled before hand. A big task must be divided into sub-parts so that results may be achieved quickly. Short breaks in the routine will help in reducing excessive overload. A planner will help in prioritising the task and allocating time to the tasks. To achieve M2: To achieve progress in the development plan, motivational feedbacks from the mentors and the peers is very necessary. The plan that is made for the personal development must have the approval of supervisors and also coordination from different units. The coach who teaches the necessary skills must help in inculcating the seed of eagerness. This will help our career to flourish. Learning from likeminded friends will sharpen our skills. The group study will help in knowing the subject matter to the core and also help in clearing the doubts that we do not know how to solve. Technical needs to be sharpened so that corporate company can easily absorb me (Simanowitz and Pearce, 2003). Technical skills help us to become job ready. Training in data analytics tool is helping me progress against my development plan. Time management is the way of doing everything priority wise as per a definite scheduling. As per my development plan, the scheduling of things are not done category or priority wise. I should make my decisions more organised. Planning schedule and noting them down in calendars or diaries will help to save precious amount of time. To achieve D1: Time management strategy has failed for me many times so I should focus on this area. Proper time should be allotted to tasks and should be completed within the time frame. The strengths that I possess are research skills; communication skills. To ensures that skills remain in their sheen, genuine steps are needed. The weakness that I have is the lack of analytical skills. I am working on that to develop success in my lifelong learning. There was a conflict regarding the work to be shared by the co-workers. The manager resolved the situation by dividing the task. A project in the workplace failed due to negligence by the worker. I rectified the flaws using necessary skills. I talked to the team members to solve the problem. A severe conflict has taken place that led me to call my relative working in the police force. A PowerPoint presentation on economics related topic helped me brush my communication skills. I submitted an email report to the principle for grant of leave. To achieve M3: A proper structure is to be planned before resolving any conflict. The problems that may arise are a) conflict regarding share of work. b) Negligence of team members performance c) Taking the negligence of a team member on one's shoulder. Problems can be resolved by a) Conflicts should be solved at the time it begins and not dragged in the later period. b) Asking the person politely on the situation that made him angry. c) Clearing out the problem by should be done through face to face interaction. To achieve D2: Line managers in an organization looks into whether the employees can communicate freely with the employees. With this, I gained confidence in my communication skills. I was also encouraged by the manager on the way I presented any topic or communicated with my colleagues. A report to the Line Manager: Subject: Ways to encourage lifelong learning. Individuals exchange views through the seminars and conferences. This helps the candidate to learn new things. The internet is a source where the candidate can learn vast knowledge. For current and future development, there should be an encouragement of continuous learning by the line manager. To achieve D3: Conclusion: From my approach, I am required to perform a proper time management strategy. Links: The approaches that I have followed are not with respect to the standard practices of CIPD. The CIPD body looks into the development of the workers in the organization. Recommendations: The activities that we learn must be able to fulfil the future development needs. Skills can also be learnt through self managed learning programmes. References Bayram, L. (2007). Professional development.Practical Professional Child Care, 4(8), pp.6-6. Di az-Maggioli, G. (2004).Teacher-centered professional development. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Holmes, A. (2002).Lifelong learning. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. Johnston-Parsons, M. (2000).Collaborative reform and other improbable dreams. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. Le, K., Donnellan, M. and Conger, R. (2013). Personality Development at Work: Workplace Conditions, Personality Changes, and the Corresponsive Principle.J Pers, 82(1), pp.44-56. OBrien, J. and Jones, K. (2014). Professional learning or professional development? Or continuing professional learning and development? Changing terminology, policy and practice.Professional Development in Education, 40(5), pp.683-687. Rhoton, J. and Shane, P. (2001).Professional development. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press. Semadeni, J. (2009).Taking charge of professional development. Alexandria, Va.: ASCD. Shiner, R. (2009). The development of personality disorders: Perspectives from normal personality development in childhood and adolescence.Develop. Psychopathol., 21(03), p.715. Simanowitz, V. and Pearce, P. (2003).Personality development. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The King, Charles The First, Actions Were Legitimate, Under The Ideolo
The king, Charles the First, actions were legitimate, under the ideology he ruled with, absolutism. Though never stating it Charles the First, justified by his wife, was an absolutist. So from his perspective his practices are not at fault, and that is the bias this editorial will be written from, the viewpoint of someone who believes the king should be an absolute Monarch. What Oliver Cromwell, a majority of Parliament, and the Parliamentary forces did was a direct violation of the King's power. To take a quote from Louis the XIV, "L'?tat, c'est moi", a phrase meaning "I am the state", is a phrase that could be used to describe the absolutist rule that Charles the First was supposed to have. But actions taken by adversaries of the King and Country, including Civil War, attack on English troops, trespassing, treason, arresting the King, having soldiers march on parliament, and murder of King were treasonous actions against the King and consequently against the Country of England. Because as mentioned earlier in reference to the King, "L'?tat, c'est moi". So any crimes against the King are against the state. Making all who were involved in the fight against the king in the civil war are basically defeating the idea that it was a civil war since by definition they were fighting against there own country, and being extremely treasonous at the same time. T o sum up my previous statements the King is the Country so any crimes against the King are against the Country So the English Civil war was in fact not a civil war but a separatist movement against the Country of England. With aims to establish a military rule and discriminate against those of the Catholic faith. Cromwell's followers were upset over many things and tried to change them, violating the king's power. Cromwell was upset over remnants of the Catholicism in Anglicans churches and he wanted those things removed. But he had no right to do that since the King is head of the Anglican Church a right established by Henry the VIII and thus Cromwell could not set church policy. They tried to apply laws to the King such has treason. Which they can not do since according to absolutism the king is above the law and can not be controlled by any person, organization, governmental body for such a thing could be a threat to the sovereignty of England itself. This makes sense in the following example. If the king were to be ever controlled by a group with sinister intentions then they could control the polices and laws that the King sets, giving them untold power over the destiny of England, that has you can see is why the king must rule above all others. Which leads me to my next statement. If the king is above the law he should have control over all those under the law which is why the king should be able to command parliament, another major gripe of Cromwell's. People were upset when the king takes land away from the people, well he had every right to has the absolute ruler of England, in addition these people should have been proud to be serving there country by giving up the land for the betterment of England. By now you may be asking what gives the king the claim to all this privilege. Divine Right does. What mortal man would ever question God's very own choosing, Oliver Cromwell did, making him a heretic too. In conclusion the English Civil war was nothing but an uprising lead by traitorous heretics out to question the King's Divine Right over England and satisfy there own cravings for power.
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